Saturday, 7 March 2009

well, been a little while since I posted! Since then we've moved house!! Its lovely here. We have a lovely (small) garden backed onto by a wood of about 10 acres. Along side that is a disused railway track of about 3 miles thats been laid to pathway.. this provides a lovely wildlife corridor for all sorts of wild birds and 4 legged fauna.
The gardens getting really busy now with different birds coming in from all over. Heres some shots this morning.

What I believe to be a female blackcap? correct me if Im wrong!! I also had the male shortly before but I missed him with the camera.

One of the 2 regular robins to the garden

Speedy coal tit. This guy was just on something this morning!! flying around the garden like a loony.. he even pitched on the flower pot rim right in front of my extremely surprised cat!! he did fly off fast so he was in no danger

Chaffinch. This guy is lovely. One of a pair we have very often. He always uses this fence topper as an anvil to break into sunflower seeds

Blue Tit. I dont know why, but all the birds here seem to be so vivid in their colours compared to the old house.

Robins! Presumably male and female? I cant imagine 2 males being happy to be this close

Goldfinch. This little guy visits every day, normally in the morning. I know theres a flock nearby up the railway walk as they flew over us last weekend when we were out


  1. Hi Matt,

    You are right, it is a female Blackcap. I think the birds are pleased with the new occupier of the house. I hope you have settled in OK, no hiccups :-)

  2. lovely photos matt boy you must be happy with your new garden.Very jealous of your blackcap.Never seen one before

  3. its a lovely place we're in, we're extremely lucky to have found it. thanks to Kerry really for making our house hunting a full time job for about 6 weeks.
