Tuesday, 16 June 2009

insects everywhere

We are totally infested with greenfly at the moment.. the air is thick with them!! Where ARE all the Ladybirds?? Not seen one in the garden despite my not spraying anything about.

Lots of Bee's as well, we have so many different species visit its quite lovely.

Alien Ant Farm?
Alien Ant Farm?

A busy Bee

At work
Yet another species


At rest
At rest

Honey Lov'in
Honey Lovin!


  1. great photos matt, love the one where they are making honey, we also have had a lot of bees in our garden, more so than in previous years.

  2. Your shots are superb Matt, I am so envious, I think even if I sat there all day my shots wouldn't be near so good as yours!!!

  3. aww Jayne Im sure they would!!

    Shooting in RAW format helps alot, preserves alot of detail otherwise missed. But you need to fiddle about with things post processing like noise reduction, contrast, exposure, white balance.. takes a bit of getting used to but once you have, you can get a clarity that you never thought possible! The software to do it comes with the camera, although I use photoshop and its Bridge software as I prefer it.

    What you dont see, is the 20 shots that it took to get those decent 5!! lol I have plenty of messups just like everyone :):):)

  4. beautiful shots Matt
