Tuesday, 14 April 2009

playing with bracketing to capture motion

Been playing around a little more.. helped by so many birds all trying to get the sought after perches on the feeder. I think its 2 flocks of Goldies, which is why they dont get on so well!

Fiesty Goldfinches

Fiesty Goldfinches
I think this one is my favourite with his feet hanging down!

Fiesty Goldfinches
The feisty little little bugger didnt want him landing, he screemed and shook his wings at him

Fiesty Goldfinches
2nd try...

Fiesty Goldfinches
Eventually, after a few seeds he got his way and shooed the imposter away! Check out those angry wings!


  1. Good shots of the Goldfinches flying, I have tried to take pictures of them flying in my garden, the wings are a little blurry on mine.

  2. you just need a really fast shutter speed, these shots were up around the 900 mark, anything less and you loose quite alot of detail as well as the body blurring. If you have a compact and can control the aperture then setting it as small as possible will force the camera to up the shutter speed.

  3. more lovely shots of your goldies Matt.Love the way you have caught the flying motion.~Brill

  4. plenty of perches on those feeders for the visitors. Great photos.

  5. Thanks Chris, yes the perch additions made a huge difference to the amount of visitors. Even the robins visit that feeder now.

  6. I enjoyed seeing your pictures of the Goldfinches. After a year of trying I am just beginning to get a couple visit my feeders.
    Well done with the 'in flight' photos.
